Wonderful to see and read you here in Substack, and what a superb first post.

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Thank you so much, Sue. I’m been faffing about, wanting to write on Substack for months. I guess an unexpected operation is as good a reason as any to get my arse into gear. Can’t wait to read your posts x

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Brave and beautiful writing, thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for reading. That really is very kind of you.

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Jun 15Liked by Jane V Adams

So much going on here, Jane, and so exquisitely expressed. Beautiful 🙏 xs

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Thank you, Sheila. That means so much to me x

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Oh man.

We have a lot in common x

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That’s good to hear (I think) x

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A year to my eye, Jane. What a piece, totally relatable and sensory, well-paced too. And thank you for your kind words!!! Hope to catch up with you for a cuppa in the coming weeks, will keep you posted. Much love to you and yours. X

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Can’t wait to catch up for a coffee. Thanks so much for your support xx

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Beautiful writing Jane. Thank you for inviting us into your world ♥️

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Oh, thank you for your lovely comment, Cathy. It’s a strange world at the moment, that’s for sure 😂❤️

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